Special Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar
Gates-Thomas 135
"Path-Complete Lyapunov Techniques: when Algebra and Combinatorics meet in Control"
Raphael Jungers,
UCLouvain, Belgium and University of California, Los Angeles,
This seminar will present an overview of 'Path-complete techniques' which have been developed to analyze stability properties of dynamical systems. These tools rely on concepts from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Optimization. Starting with the pioneering works of Bliman, Ferrari-Trecate, Lee, Dullerud, Daafouz, and others, the nature of path-complete Lyapunov functions has been progressively understood in the last 20 years, and their range of application is still widening. These Algebro-combinatorial techniques allow in favorable cases to obtain provably efficient algorithms (e.g. for switching systems stability analysis), and are promising for tackling more general problems in Cyber-Physical Systems control. I will finish by presenting recent works, where we use these tools to analyze constrained switching systems, and to generalize the notion of monotone systems
For more information, please contact Sonya Lincoln by phone at 626-395-3385 or by email at [email protected].