Stem Cells, Gene Regulatory Networks and the Evolution of Vertebrates: A symposium recognizing the contributions of Marianne Bronner to our understanding of the neural crest and cranial placodes
Visit the event page for the schedule and title of talks -- Symposium Page
Kristin Artinger, University of Colorado Denver
Clare Baker, University of Cambridge
Martin Basch, Case Western Reserve University
Marcos Simoes Costa, California Institute of Technology
Kathryn Cheah, University of Hong Kong
Martin Garcia-Castro, University of California Riverside
Laura Gammill, University of Minnesota
Andy Groves, Baylor College of Medicine
Anne Helene Monsoro-Burq, University of Paris
Paul Kulesa, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Robb Krumlauf, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University
Peter Lwigale, Rice University
Christophe Marcelle, Monash University
Dan Medeiros, University of Colorado Boulder
Angela Nieto, Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH) Alicante, Spain
Ellen Rothenberg, California Institute of Technology
Tatjana Sauka-Spengler, University of Oxford
Ankur Saxena, University of Illinois at Chicago
Rich Schneider, University of California San Francisco
Celia Shiau, Boston College
Lukas Sommer, University of Zurich
Philippe Soriano, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
Angela Stathopoulos, California Institute of Technology
Andrea Streit, King's College London
Pablo Strobl-Mazzulla, Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas-Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús, Argentina
Yoshiko Takahashi, Kyoto University
Lisa Taneyhill, University of Maryland
Jr-Kai Sky Yu, Academia Sinica