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Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen

Saturday, March 22, 2014
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen are consumate folk performers, combining original songs from each of them, with some wonderful gems from friends and other performers, as well as a few tradtional songs. Both are outstanding songwriters, with Steve being the more prolific - he has even written a book on the subject. He has penned some true classic songs, many of which have been performed by others, such as the ballad Darcy Farrow and Back on the Street Again.

And they are both wonderful singers, with Cindy's vocal skills an integral part of the sound on her Trio recordings with Priscilla Herdman and Anne Hills. A fuller, more beautiful voice cannot be found. They are also tremendous musicians, with Steve a renowned guitarist and Cindy switching from guitar to concertina, and maybe some banjo, if they bring it on this tour. And they are very entertaining performers as they talk about the songs and anecdotes from their travels. They have slipped easily into a pattern of every-other-year shows at Caltech, as these Vermonters seek refuge from the Northeast winter around this time of year.

They are working on a new project that will feature songs by the clever and funny Lou and Peter Berryman. With a little luck, it may even be avilable at this show! It is always great to welcom them back and to hear new songs and stories, as well as the old ones. Their shows tend to be like a gathering of friends, professional, yet very informal and intimate. Theirs is a great show to bring a first-time live folk concert attendee to let people see what the Pasadena Folk Music Society series is all about. Help spread the word!

For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email
$15; $5 Caltech students and children