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Tango Workshop

Saturday, December 17, 2011
3:00pm to 6:30pm
Add to Cal
Winnett Lounge

4 Tango Workshops with Homer & Christina Ladas


Thursday, December 15 at Winnett Lounge (2nd Floor)
7:30 to 9:00 pm - FEET - Using the four corners of your feet in communication, walking, and play
9:00 to 10:30 pm - LEGS - Walking: Theory, applications and fun diversions

Friday, December 16 at Dabney Hall
8 to 9:30 pm - HIPS - Creating spiral energy and discovering some hip surprises
10 pm - 3 am - Caltech Milonga
Sundaes at 1 am! yum

Saturday, December 17 at Winnett Lounge (2nd Floor)
3 to 4:30 pm - UPPER BODY - Technique for Amazing Apilado embrace
4:30 to 6 pm - EMBRACE - Exploring the possibilities from close to open to beyond!

Workshop Admission (with ID):
Caltech Students w/ID: $5/per class
Affilliates & other full-time Students w/ID: $10/one; $15/two; $20/three; $25/four; $30/five Regular: $20/one; $35/two; $45/three; $55/four; $65/five

Please bring your ID. Discounts apply to full-time students only.

For more information, please contact Caltech Tango Club by email at [email protected] or visit