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TAPIR Seminar

Friday, May 17, 2019
2:00pm to 3:00pm
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Cahill 370
AGN Feedback, Multiphase Gas, and Star Formation in Massive Galaxies
Yuan Li, TAC Postdoc Fellow, Department of Astronomy, UC Berkeley,

It is widely accepted that AGN feedback is the key to solving the cooling flow problem in cool-core galaxy clusters. Recent observations have also found extended multiphase gas and star formation in a significant fraction of cool-core galaxy clusters and massive elliptical galaxies. Using high-resolution 3D simulations, I study the interplay between radiative cooling, AGN feedback, and star formation in the centers of galaxy clusters and elliptical galaxies. I will review the theories on the origin of multiphase structures in these massive systems, including the popular idea of thermal instability/precipitation, and in-situ induced cooling. I will also discuss how AGN deposits its energy to its surrounding medium from both the observational and theoretical perspective. Lastly, I will talk about our recent effort to test AGN feedback models by analyzing mock X-ray observations of simulated clusters.

For more information, please contact JoAnn Boyd by phone at x4280 or by email at [email protected].

Event Series
TAPIR Seminar Series