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Teaching 21st Century Knowledge Management Skills: A Carpentry Approach to Open Data, Software, and Publications 

Workhop offered twice:
1:00 - 2:15 or
2:30 - 3:45 PM


Today's researchers are challenged to master an ever-expanding and interlinked set of information and publishing skills in the rapidly evolving scholarly web. An emerging approach, called carpentry, teaches researchers at all career stages best practices and efficient tools for handling, sharing, publishing, and providing fair attribution for research outputs of all types: data, software, and papers. The ultimate aim of software, data and author carpentry is to support more open, transparent, and reusable research to advance and strengthen science in the digital era. 

This workshop will introduce you to principles of carpentry, teach you a carpentry module on examining, cleaning, and clustering data of interest to Caltech, and facilitate a debriefing discussion about the hands-on, technology-enabled, open-source and collaborative teaching methods you will have experienced in the demo. 


Gail P. Clement and Donna Wrublewski, Caltech Library 

Cassandra Horii and Jenn Weaver, CTLO 


PART OF TeachWeek Caltech, a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring events and discussions with Caltech faculty and students, as well as distinguished guest presenters. All events are open to the entire Caltech community.

Thanks to the Twenty-Seven Foundation for supporting this TeachWeek panel discussion, as well as sponsoring other events engaging Caltech faculty and students in new perspectives on teaching and learning.

For more information, please email [email protected].