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TeachWeek Caltech

Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
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The Caltech Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach will host a weeklong celebration of teaching from January 17 through 23, focusing on the theme, Empowering Learning. Through panel discussions, talks, and workshops, Caltech faculty, staff, TAs, alumni, and distinguished guest presenters will share new developments in teaching. Members of the Caltech community are welcome to all events and may also sit in on designated open classes throughout the week. Space is limited for some open classes and events.

Events include:
  • Empowering Learning through Teaching, at Caltech and Beyond: Panel discussion with faculty and alumni
  • Teaching with Transparency: Empowering Equitable Learning: Keynote talk and workshop by Mary-Ann Winkelmes, with introductory remarks by Cindy Weinstein, Vice Provost and Professor of English
  • Teaching 21st Century Knowledge Management Skills: Carpentry workshop by Caltech Library and CTLO staff
  • Questioning Why and How We Gather Students Together: Empowering Changes in Curricula and Teaching: Talk by John Pollard
  • Ignite Your Teaching: Ideas and Practices You Can Use: Showcse with Faculty, Staff, and TAs, with introductory remarks by President Thomas F. Rosenbaum
  • Open Classes: Sit in on classes throuhgout the week. 

For the full schedule and to RSVP, please visit


For more information, please email