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The Rover Auditions for TACIT

Saturday, December 3, 2011
10:00am to 2:00pm
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Script available and list of characters (25) from The Rover for auditions at or Men/Women, please prepare to read from at least one of the following scenes: Act I ii, Act II ii and Act V scene i. Dress casually, no heels and be prepared to fight, dance and bring an instrument if you play and possibly sing! Rehearsals begin first week of January 2012. The play opens February 24, and closes the weekend of March 4th. The Rover was written by Aphra Behn, the first professional female writer in England, and first performed in 1677. The play follows three English cavaliers and their amorous encounters during Carnavale in Naples. Wilmore, The Rover, is a sea captain and falls in love with Hellena; Hellena wants to experience love before entering the convent, however, the famous courtesan Angelica Bianca falls in love with Wilmore and vows revenge when she is betrayed by him. Meanwhile, Hellena's sister Florinda seeks marriage with Belville, a colonel in the Army, and not the handsome Don Antonio her brother Don Pedro's choice. The third major plot line includes Blunt and Lucetta and the wild consequences of his discovery that his true love is a prostitute and a thief. Directed by TACIT director Brian Brophy, the play is resituated during Mardi Gras in New Orleans 1870s with plenty of danger, excitement and romance! For more information contact Mr. Brophy at or 626.395.3696
For more information, please contact Melissa Ray by phone at x3295 or by email at or visit