Theater Auditions
Theater Arts at Caltech (TACIT) is looking for directors, actors, writers and techs to participate in our program.
Audition information will be provided during the fall class below.
Wednesday, October 2, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
TACIT house, 275 S. Hill
Directing/Acting/Writing PA040 A
Over the next eight weeks of class, students will learn the fundamentals of play direction, scene and character analysis, acting/writing exercises, and essential production elements.
Students will choose one of several pre-selected scenes to direct during the first week of class. At the end of that week, (Oct 5 and 6), auditions for all scenes will be held and student directors will cast their scenes from interested students. Student directors will work outside of class with their casts and show their scenes to the rest of the class for discussion in mid-November, leading up to an end of quarter Student Directing Showcase on Friday and Saturday, Dec 6 and 7.
For more information, please contact Brian Brophy at [email protected].