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Theodore von Karman Lecture

Thursday, December 8, 2011
7:00pm to 8:00pm
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JPL, von Karman Auditorium
2012 and the End of Days Phenomena
Dr. Don Yeomans, Manager, NASA Near-Earth Object Program Office , JPL,
Much has been written about the impending end of the world on December 21, 2012. It has been asserted that on that date, the Maya calendar ends. It is further asserted that in 2012, the planets align, an unseen rogue planet will closely approach the Earth, the Earth's pole will shift and the sun's pathway through the Milky Way will contribute to our woes. None of this is true but an extraordinary number of people are concerned nevertheless. The preoccupation with the "end of days" concept is as old as history itself and even in our civilized society, it is seriously discussed and has received a good deal of unjustified media and public attention. We'll try to separate myth from reality.
For more information, please contact Rosanne Lombardi by phone at 626-395-8371 or by email at or visit