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Theodore von Karman Lecture

Friday, April 11, 2014
7:00pm to 8:00pm
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Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado, the Vosloh Forum (south of Colorado on Bonnie)
'For the Benefit of All Mankind': The JPL Technology Transfer Program
Indrani Graczyk, Manager, Commercial Program Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is known for missions that greatly impact our understanding of the solar system and the universe. But the ground breaking research and development done at JPL has also had many impacts on everyday life on earth. JPL innovations can be found everywhere, from farms to hospitals to our very own homes.

The goal of the Technology Transfer Program at JPL is to seek commercial applications for the inventions developed at the Laboratory. Successful technology transfer results in new products for all, and can result in new companies or even new industries. JPL's history is rich with such examples, and shows how the space program can immensely benefit the quality of life for all mankind.

This event is free and open to the public. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, please contact JPL Public Service Office by phone at 818-354-1234 or visit