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Theory of Computing Seminar

Friday, May 6, 2016
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 213
Fast distance product of bounded difference matrices with applications to language edit distance and RNA folding
Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Stanford,

Fast distance product of bounded difference matrices with
    applications to language edit distance and RNA folding

    Abstract: The distance product of two matrices A and B is the matrix
    C defined as C[i,j]=min_k A[i,k]+B[k,j].
    Computing the distance product of arbitrary n x n matrices is
    equivalent (wrt worst case runtime) to the All Pairs Shortest Paths
    problem on n-node graphs, a problem whose best runtime has been
    notoriously stuck at n^{3-o(1)} for decades. Nevertheless, when A
    and B are structured, sometimes truly subcubic,  O(n^{3-eps}) time,
    for constant eps>0, algorithms are possible.

    An interesting structured case that has so far resisted improvements
    (and whose best distance product algorithm is not known to take
    truly subcubic time) is that of bounded differences (BDD) matrices.
    A matrix A is said to be an L- bounded difference (L-BDD) matrix if
    for all i,j: |A[i,j] - A[i,j+1]| <= L and |A[i,j] - A[i+1,j]| <= L.
    Via an approach of Leslie Valiant, any algorithm for distance
    product of O(1)-BDD matrices can be used to solve two other very
    different problems in essentially the same time: RNA folding (a
    problem formalizing how to find the secondary structure of an RNA
    sequence) and Context Free Language Edit Distance (a problem in
    which given a context free grammar defining a language L and a
    string x, one needs to compute the minimum, over all words y in L,
    of the edit distance between x and y.).

    In this work we design the first truly subcubic algorithm for L-BDD
    matrices for small L, thus obtaining the first truly subcubic
    algorithms for RNA folding and Context Free Language Edit Distance. 

For more information, please contact Thomas Vidick by email at [email protected].