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Undergraduate Math Club Seminar

Friday, November 18, 2016
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy Games Entangled State Dimension
Chinmay Nirkhe, Mathematics Department, California Institute of Technology,

One of the reasons why we study quantum mechanics is to explain phenomenon that classical physics cannot. Today, we explore the topic of quantum pseudo-telepathy games, a demonstration of such a phenomenon. In a two-player pseudo-telepathy game, Alice and Bob are individually asked a question to which they provide a response without any form of communication once the questions are asked, but they may have agreed on a common strategy prior to the execution of the game. A game exhibits pseudo-telepathy if there is a quantum strategy that makes Alice and Bob win the game for all possible questions, provided they share prior entanglement, but no such classical strategy exists. We explore the minimum entanglement dimension required for such games and give examples of successful games.

For more information, please contact Mathematics Department by phone at 4335 or by email at [email protected].