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Unleashing Collaborative Learning through Technology: A Study of Tablet-Mediated Student Learning

Monday, March 31, 2014
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Sponsored by the Caltech Workgroup on Educational Science & Technology (WEST) of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach (CTLO).

Increasing Caltech student engagement is shared goal of many faculty and TAs. As we seek ways to accomplish this goal, new evidence-based methods for collaborative learning are needed. We present preliminary analysis of data a study of tablet-mediated collaborative learning in several undergraduate/graduate courses, including computer science and genetics. Data from a novel tablet app is analyzed to reveal patterns of student collaboration and interaction, helping us understand what in-class "engagement" really means. Students' self-reported experiences will also be explored. Session participants will have a hands-on opportunity to experience tablet-mediated collaborative learning similar to that implemented in the study.


  • Dr. Julius Su is a double Caltech alumnus (he holds B.S. degrees in Biology and Physics from Caltech, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Caltech) and co-founder of Su-Kam Intelligent Education Systems (SKIES), which develops a collaborative learning app for mobile devices. His goal is to make high-quality teaching and learning easier and accessible to all. He also co-directs the Community Science Academy @ Caltech, which teaches core science and engineering skills and guides teachers, students and other citizens in relevant research.
  • Dr. Cassandra Horii is director of the Caltech Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach.
For more information, please contact CTLO by email at