USPTO seminar - Disruptors vs. Predators: Leveraging Federal Resources to Mitigate Your Risk
Designed for small businesses, entrepreneurs and incubators, the Disruptors vs. Predators event delivers valuable information and federal resources to help prevent emerging small businesses (or "disruptors") from falling prey to predatory practices and fraud. Five federal agencies will describe common predatory practices and fraud and the education and prevention resources available to small businesses. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions to the speakers from the federal agencies.
Five federal agencies with outreach functions in the Los Angeles Area will present topics about safeguarding against predatory practices.
Welcome & Introductions (John Cabeca)
Remarks (Rep. Judy Chu) Small Business Administration (SBA) Possible Topics: Predatory loans, SBA Resources - counseling, venture capital, SBIR
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Possible Topics: Fraudulent Trademark Solicitations, Invention Promotion Firms,
International Trade Administration (ITA) Possible Topics: Overseas Scams, International Company Profiles,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Possible Topics: Government Imposter Scams, Common Business Scams
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Possible Topics: Cyber Awareness, Data Protection Strategies
Panel for Questions & Answers