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Veritas Forum at Caltech

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
7:00pm to 9:00pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
Caltech ASKS: What's the Matter? Searching for Meaning in a Cold, Dark Universe

Dr. Jonathan Feng, a Christian physicist from UC Irvine, shares his search for God at this year's Veritas Forum at Caltech.

Ask your question and help shape the discussion at

The questions will be presented by Dr. Teagan Wall and Dr. Brandon Henderson on behalf of the Caltech community. There will also be opportunities for live audience questions.

A reception will follow the event.


About Veritas Forums

Where does morality come from? Isn't science rapidly approaching a complete explanation of nature? Do you ever have doubts about your worldview? Where can I find meaning and fulfillment?

College students around the world are asking themselves and their friends these questions, but there is often no real place to explore these questions alongside brilliant faculty and leading thinkers.

Veritas Forums are events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life.

Veritas Forums are created and hosted by campus student organizations, connected to a network of 85 campuses nationwide, and supported by the national Veritas Forum team.

For more information, please contact Jonas Lippuner by email at or visit