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Veritas Forum at Caltech

Thursday, January 26, 2012
5:00pm to 7:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
God and the 80386: Where the Engineer of the Most Famous CPUs Finds his Motivation
Patrick Gelsinger, President and Chief Operating Officer, EMC Corporation,

Gelsinger is the President and Chief Operating Officer at EMC Corporation. Previously, he served at Intel as Senior VP, CTO, and Co-General Manager of Intel's Digital Enterprise Group. In the last role, he led the single largest business group for Intel with over 12,000 employees and over $20B of revenue. In 1984, Gelsinger was a key contributor to the design team for the Intel 80386 (i386) chip, which laid the foundation for x86 processors.

Having ventured from farm country to Silicon Valley, Gelsinger will share a story of an extraordinary success with an unusual motivation.


About Veritas Forums

Where does morality come from? Isn't science rapidly approaching a complete explanation of nature? Do you ever have doubts about your worldview? Where can I find meaning and fulfillment?

College students around the world are asking themselves and their friends these questions, but there is often no real place to explore these questions alongside brilliant faculty and leading thinkers.

Veritas Forums are events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life.

Veritas Forums are created and hosted by campus student organizations, connected to a network of 85 campuses nationwide, and supported by the national Veritas Forum team.

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