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Women on the Move: Beautiful CD Launch Concert

Saturday, September 22, 2007
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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The just-released Beautiful CD features performances by fourteen independent female artist known collectively as WOMEN ON THE MOVE: Joan Enguita, Linda Geleris, Julie Gribble, Karen Hart, Debbie Hennessey, Teresa James, Holly Jurgensen, Trish Lester, Anna Montgomery, Tracy Newman, Evonne Rivera, Andrea Ross-Greene, Harriet Schock, and Kelly Zirbes. The songs, in styles ranging from pop and rock to blues and country, address various aspects of being a woman: following your dreams, love, breaking up, and leaving an abusive relationship.

Twelve of the fourteen women from the CD are confirmed to perform at the concert. One of the evening's featured artists is Pasadena's own Evonne Rivera, whose original song "Freedom" is the first song on the CD. Evonne has performed at many well known blues venues in the Los Angeles area including The House of Blues and The Baked Potato.

Presented By: Caltech Folk Music Society
For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email [email protected].
$15 adults; $5 youth