Women's History Month Event: A Celebration of Women & Title IX at 40 Featuring Caltech Athletics Director Betsy Mitchell
The equal opportunity to learn, taken for granted by most young women today, owes much to Title IX of the Education Codes of the Higher Education Act Amendments. This legislation, passed in 1972 and enacted in 1977, prohibited gender discrimination by federally funded institutions. It has become the primary tool for women's fuller participation in all aspects of education from scholarships, to facilities, to classes formerly closed to women. Indeed, it transformed the educational landscape of the United States within the span of a generation.
Join us for this networking reception to celebrate women at Caltech and the 40th anniversary of Title IX with remarks from Athletics Director Betsy Mitchell. Appetizers and refreshments will be provided. RSVP online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WHMTitleIX.
For more information, please contact Portia Harris by phone at 3221 or by email at pbharris@caltech.edu.