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X-Ray Diffraction Training

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
2:00pm to 3:00pm
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All employees and researchers planning to work with x-ray diffraction machines must attend an orientation session with one of the Health Physicists in the EH&S Office. This work-specific course is part of the certification process to become an authorized x-ray user at the Institute.

Topics include:

    Regulatory requirements
    Radiation protection program and policies at the Institute
    Safe x-ray use procedures
    Radiation survey Instruments

Attendees will receive a copy of the X-Ray Safety Manual.

Visit our Training Calendar Tab for course dates and time.

To enroll in this course:

    Log onto access.caltech
    Under SELF SERVICE, click the Training and Professional Development link
    Search for course in search box
    Enroll in course


For more information, please contact Training Coordinator by phone at 395-6727 or by email at or visit EHS Safety Office.