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▶︎ CANCELED: X-Ray Diffraction Training

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
2:00pm to 3:00pm
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All employees and researchers planning to work with x-ray diffraction machines must attend an orientation session with one of the Health Physicists in the EH&S Office. This work-specific course is part of the certification process to become an authorized x-ray user at the Institute.

Topics include:

Regulatory requirements
Radiation protection program and policies at the Institute
Safe x-ray use procedures
Radiation survey Instruments

Attendees will receive a copy of the X-Ray Safety Manual.

Visit our Training Calendar Tab for course dates and time.

To enroll in this course:

  1. Log onto access.caltech.
  2. Under SELF SERVICE, click the MyLearn link.
  3. Click the Instructor-Led icon.
  4. Under Enrollment Name, click on the desired date and class hyperlink.
  5. Click on the Enroll button at top right of pop-up screen.

For more information, please contact Training Coordinator by phone at 395-6727 or by email at or visit EHS Safety Office.