2021 W2 Forms are Available on Access.Caltech
The 2021 W2 forms are now available on Access.Caltech.
To retrieve your W2 form electronically, please click the Electronic W2 link on Access.Caltech.
The link will take you directly to my.ADP.com
- Please use your Caltech credentials on the next screen.
- At the Information Service window, select "Always release" then click Accept.
You will be able to download your W2 for 2020, 2021 and update your personal contact information, allowing you to access your W2 outside of the Caltech network. In order to update your personal information, click on your initials on the right side of the PAY bar. Click Settings and enter your personal email and phone number under Contact Preferences.
Please contact PayrollDepartment@caltech.edu with questions.
If you have chosen to receive your W2 in paper form, the W2s will be mailed within the next 7 days. These will be mailed to your "payroll address" . Please allow the USPS adequate time to deliver the printed documents.