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Adopt an Angel

October 30, 2018

Caltech Human Resources is once again sponsoring the annual Adopt an Angel Program, which provides holiday gifts for children of poverty-level families in the San Gabriel Valley area. The Angel Program is affiliated with the Foothill Unity Center, a nonprofit organization that provides critical support in the form of food, clothing, motel vouchers, referrals, and advocacy for people in crisis who reside in the San Gabriel Valley area.

Starting November 2, 2018, the Human Resources Office, at 399 S. Holliston, will have the paper angels available for pick-up.  The angel bears the name of a child, along with their special wish list, age, clothing size, and interests. Unwrapped gifts with the paper angel attached are to be delivered to the Human Resources office no later than Friday, November 30.   The Foothill Unity Center distributes the gifts to the families on December 15, 2018.
For more information, contact Diane Williams at or 626-395-8055.