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Azerbaijan-Armenia war of 2020: an Azerbaijani perspective

April 27, 2022

In December, we invited Andy and Hrant, two Caltech Armenians, to tell us about the Nagorno-Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2020.  The war ended in a peace enforced by Russia.  With the war between Russia and Ukraine, tensions are again mounting.  This week, we will hear about the war and the recent tensions from Bakhtiyar Neyman, an active member of the Azerbaijan Cultural Society of Northern California.  Bring your questions about the war, as well as on Azerbaijan in general.  Bakhtiyar plans to talk about:

  1. Brief historic overview of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict.
  2. The 1988-1994 active phase.
  3. Developments during the frozen phase of 1994-2020
  4. Tovuz incident of July 2020.
  5. Military aspects of the 44-day war (in 2020).
  6. International involvement during the 44-day war.
  7. Human rights violations during the 44-day war.
  8. The way forward.

Time: Wednesday, April 27, 6:00--7:30 pm.  As always, the first 30 minutes is for discussing international news.  Want to discuss the invasion of Ukraine, the civil war in Ethiopia, or the COVID wave in China?  Come join us!

In person: Reserved for Sovereignty Club members. Sign up here:
