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Caltech Art Contest and Gallery

January 03, 2019

There is just one week remaining to submit your artwork to the next installment of the all-campus Art Contest and Gallery!  As with previous times, a panel of judges from the GSA Arts Committee will select pieces from among the submissions, and the (numerous) winners will be displayed at Chandler and in the Hameetman Center! Pieces will be on display until the next competition in Spring term. Furthermore, we will be throwing an Opening Night Gala on February 15th celebrating all the Arts at Caltech and the opening of the new Hameetman Student Center, with special refreshments offered as well as performances by various Caltech music groups.

What: Caltech Art Contest and Gallery
When: Submissions will be open until January 11, 2019
Why: Display your handiwork at your favorite campus coffee shop / lunch spot!
Who: Anyone in the Caltech community (faculty, undergrads, grad students, postdocs, staff, alumni, JPLers, etc)!

Submission Process

  • Send an email to, including
    • Photograph or digital file of the art
    • Title of work (optional)
    • Approximate dimensions of the work (not necessary for photography/ digital pieces)
    • Your Caltech affiliation
  • Deadline: January 11th, 2019. If you miss this deadline, submit to the next Art Competition!

Submission Guidelines

  • Large works/ High quality images for printing preferred (anything that can be seen across the dining hall is preferred, though submissions of all sizes will be considered!).
  • Must be appropriate for display at Caltech (left up to judges' sole discretion).
  • Can be any subject you can think of (science, portraits, landscapes, abstract, etc)
  • Submissions can be 2D (paintings, photographs, digital art, etc.) or 3D (sculptures, ceramics, 3D prints, etc.).
  • You get your work back at the end of the display period, which will be toward the end of Spring term. If your digital piece is selected, we will print it and you will get to keep the print!  
  • Anyone in the Caltech community can submit works (faculty, undergrads, grads, postdocs, staff, alumni, JPL, etc). Unfortunately the contest is currently not open to non-Caltech spouses/partners/friends/etc.

Please contact with any questions.