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Caltech's 2020 Code of Conduct

October 06, 2020

To: The Caltech Community
From: Thomas F. Rosenbaum, Sonja and William Davidow Presidential Chair and Professor of Physics
Date: October 6, 2020
Re: Caltech's 2020 Code of Conduct

Recent months have altered our routines and broadened our responsibilities in ways we never imagined. Guided by commitment to community and the ethical values that we all hold dear, Institute scientists, engineers, students, and staff members, across campus, JPL, and our offsite facilities, have adapted to meet the challenges of the day.

As we embark on new endeavors in the academic year ahead, we should all review Caltech's Code of Conduct to familiarize ourselves once again with the Institute's high standards of integrity. It is a tool we can use to ensure that our actions are beyond reproach, and that we can fulfill Caltech's mission of research and education to benefit the world.

In this rapidly changing world, as before, you may encounter situations where the best course of action is not obvious. The following list provides resources available to any member of the Caltech community who would like advice or counsel in such a situation:

  • Staff members on campus and at JPL may contact their immediate supervisors.
  • Faculty, postdoctoral scholars, researchers, students, and staff within the academic divisions may always contact their academic or research advisers, immediate faculty or staff supervisors, and higher levels of the divisional administration, up to the Division Chairs.
  • Students may contact the Dean of Undergraduate Students (626-395-6351) or the Dean of Graduate Studies (626-395-6346).
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions regarding unlawful discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and other individual characteristics protected by federal and state law to the Equity and Title IX Office (626-395-3132) or
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions regarding research integrity to the Vice Provost for Research (626-395-6365) or the JPL Office of the Chief Scientist (818-354-0526).
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions to Human Resources (626-395-3300), JPL's Ethics Office (818-354-6338), Audit Services and Institute Compliance (626-395-8075), or the Office of the General Counsel (626-395-3241).

When ordinary channels are not available or there is a need for confidentiality or anonymity, you may contact the campus hotline (626-395-8787, toll free 888-395-8787) or the JPL ethics line (818-354-9999 or toll free 866-405-7536). Please be aware that the Caltech Whistleblower Policy prohibits retaliation against any individual who makes a good faith disclosure of suspected wrongful conduct.

Thank you for your commitment to the Institute's core values, especially as we conduct our work in this dynamic environment. Caltech continues to thrive because of the dedication of every member of our community.