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Caltech's Code of Conduct

October 02, 2016

As we begin our 125th year and look forward to the accomplishments of the coming academic term, it is a good time to reflect on the conditions required to bring potential breakthroughs to fruition. Our achievements flow from Caltech's commitment to unflinching inquiry and interdisciplinary teamwork, combined with a quest for excellence. The resulting environment attracts innovative faculty, postdoctoral scholars, students, and staff from diverse backgrounds and perspectives who make remarkable contributions to the global community.

Integrity is a core Caltech value and we endeavor to guide all our activities by the Institute's Code of Conduct ( This is the tool we use to ensure that our actions are beyond reproach and comply with the law. In this rapidly changing world, if you encounter situations where the best course of action is not obvious, I encourage you to seek advice or ask questions. The following list provides resources for any member of the Caltech community who would like such advice or counsel:

  • Staff members on campus and at JPL may contact their immediate supervisors.
  • Faculty, postdoctoral scholars, researchers, students, and staff within the academic divisions may always contact their academic or research advisors, immediate faculty or staff supervisors, and higher levels of the divisional administration, up to the Division Chairs.
  • Students may contact the Dean of Undergraduate Students (626-395-6351) or the Dean of Graduate Studies (626-395-6346).
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions regarding sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator (626-395-3132) or
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions regarding research integrity to the Campus Office of Research Compliance (626-395-2907) or the JPL Office of the Chief Scientist (818-354-2317).
  • Any member of the Institute may direct questions to Human Resources (626.395.3300), JPL's Ethics Office (818-354-6338), Audit Services and Institute Compliance (626-395-8075), or the Office of General Counsel (626-395-3241 – Campus; 818-354-9999 – JPL).

When ordinary channels are not available or there is a need for confidentiality or anonymity, you may contact the campus hotline (626-395-8787, toll free 888-395-8787, or or the JPL ethics line (818-354-9999 or toll free 866-405-7536). Please be aware that the Caltech Whistleblower Policy prohibits retaliation against any individual who makes a good faith disclosure of suspected wrongful conduct. (

I'm proud of our collective accomplishments and wish our research and educational programs another exceptional year. Thank you for doing your part to establish and embrace what makes Caltech such a "one of a kind" institution.



Thomas F. Rosenbaum
Sonja and William Davidow Presidential Chair and Professor of Physics