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Campus Operations during Institute Holidays

December 12, 2011
Most campus operations will be quiet from December 24, 2011, to January 2, 2012. Caltech Safety will be on call 24 hours a day and can be reached by calling Security through the 5000 extension. A special Winter Break schedule for radioactive package deliveries, radioactive waste, biohazardous waste, and chemical waste pickups will be in effect, with the details and instructions found at the following link:

Central Plant will be staffed to maintain all required utilities and to dispatch personnel for maintenance emergencies. Central Plant can be reached at 395-6571.

Custodial Services will be minimally staffed from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. for spot cleaning and for those groups that have made prior arrangements. Since in most cases wastebaskets will not be emptied between December 24 and January 3, please do not leave food waste in trash cans when you leave for the holidays. It may attract insects and rodents.

Chauffeur service: If chauffeur service is required between December 24, and January 2, please make arrangements prior to 3 p.m. on December 23. The reservations office will not be staffed during the special release days.

Central Warehouse will not be staffed during the release days and will not be making regular deliveries of liquid nitrogen and gas cylinders. If a requirement for liquid nitrogen or gas cylinder delivery is anticipated, please notify the Central Warehouse staff at 395-4891 prior to December 23, and a special delivery will be set up for December 29.

Shipping and Receiving (395-4893) will not be staffed during the release days and will not make regular deliveries unless prior arrangements have been made.

From December 28 to December 30, Mail Services (395-6371) will be staffed from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., but will not be making regular department mail deliveries and pick-up unless prior arrangements have been made. Access through the south driveway of the Keith Spalding Administration Building (#6) Post Office (395-6372) will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; access through the east entrance of Spalding Administration Building FedEx office (395-6008) will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and access through the lobby of Keith Spalding Administration Building will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

To be sure that the Caltech's critical financial and accounting needs are met during this time, we are providing the following list of contacts:

Purchasing Coverage:
Monica Marquez and Kevin Speaks, LIGO Purchasing Coverage: 626-969-0473 (h) 626-578-1917 (h)
Ed Jasnow: 909-282-2292 (cell); 626-437-3183; (cell); 626-398-3240 (home); 626-840-4361 (cell)
P-Card and Travel Coverage:
Muriel Sandoval: 626-222-3978 (cell)

Payment Services Coverage:
Accounts Payable Month-End Closing: December 22, 2010
Accounts Payable Contact:
Guillermo Ramirez¡: 626-337-3683 (home); 626-818-2026 (cell)
Wire Transfer Contact:
Hazel Hall: 818-425-8638 (cell)
Georgia Mendoza: 323-459-8575 (cell)

General Emergencies:
Monica Marquez: 626-969-0473 (home); 909-282-2992 (cell)
Jay Wood: 626-963-3050 (home); 626-483-3122 (cell)

Treasury Services:
David Vera: 395-6723
Treasury Services will deposit checks from December 27 to 30 during the campus quiet period. Please deliver your check deposits to the Financial Services Building (FSB) by 2 p.m. or to the Credit Union. The front door at FSB will be locked during this period, so please call David Vera at 395-6723 in advance.

Please note that while checks will be deposited to the Credit Union, no receipts will be entered in the Oracle System from December 22 (after 2 p.m.) until January 3, 2012.

Controller's Office (Bursar, Investments & Trusts, Gift & Endowments, Tax Office, Accounting & Reporting (General Budget, Plant Funds, Auxiliaries):
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125-1500
David Vera: 395-6723

  • The Oracle system will be available on December 19 through December 21, and dark days on December 22 and 23 for the month-end close. All WIC's must be completed by 5 p.m. on December 21.
  • The last day that our staff will enter cost transfers will be until close of business on December 20.
  • Labor Distribution adjustments, Manual Usages and Budget adjustments must be completed by 12 noon on December 22nd. Please note that Labor Distribution adjustments entered after December 22nd will not be reflected in OGM until resumption of business in January 2012.
  • Cash receipts will be entered until 2 p.m. on December 22.
  • Bursar's Office—Signs will be posted directing students to the Credit Union for check cashing. In case of emergency, contact Ruth Whitson at (626) 827-6756. Please note that the Credit Union will be closed on December 26, 2011, and January 2, 2012.

Risk Management:
Lisa Telles: 626-644-6938 (cell)

Budget Office:
Judy Stanton: 626-798-9649 (home); 818-929-5932 (cell)

Cost Studies:
Ted Lieu: 395-2579

Property Services:
Ernest Ngalula: 395-4181

If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please don't hesitate to Human Resources.