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HomeWalk Sign-Up Table

October 11, 2012

On Monday, October 15th from 11:00am to 2:00pm there will be a Sign-Up Table in the Winnett Quad by the Bookstore for anyone who would like to sign up to join in the United Way's Annual 5K walk to end homelessness. The donation is $25.00 and you can register to join "TEAM CALTECH" and be a runner, a walker or a "virtual" walker.

The event will take place on Saturday, November 17th at Exposition Park. You will receive a "Team Caltech" T-Shirt for registering. This event will feature, once again Kobe Bryant as the Honorary Chairman! Come out and join the fun in support of this effort to address the homeless population of Greater L.A.

For questions, please contact Christine Boyle at