Proper E-Waste Management Helps You, Caltech, and the Environment
In today's digital world, the increase in electronics usage brings challenges to both data security and appropriate disposal. The concept of protecting data while using computer equipment is nothing new, but it may be overlooked during electronic recycling and disposal.
Electronic waste, or e-waste, on Campus refers to electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life" and includes items such as computers, tablets, televisions, cell phones, DVRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, incubators, gas chromatographs, and lasers. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.
The Caltech Sustainability Program aims to enhance Caltech's core mission of research and education by reducing Caltech's environmental impact and promoting stewardship within the Caltech community. This includes reducing waste through materials reuse and recycling which must be performed by certified electronics recycling contractors. Almost any product with a circuit board is now considered universal waste that requires special handling since these products may contain toxic substances such as mercury, lead, chromium, and cadmium.
Building Administrators have set aside a designated space for e-waste collection in each building. E-waste must be kept secure in locked areas until day of removal. Building Administrators submit a request in AIM once these areas are full to schedule a pickup. If you have concerns about an e-waste area in your building or need more information, please contact your Building Administrator.
In the event you are retiring equipment above the purchase price of $5,000.00, it may be considered a capital equipment cost and the Property Services Office should be notified for further action. The Property Services Office can be reached at ext. 4181 and will help arrange for this type of e-waste pick-up.
For all requests relating to secure data destruction of hard drives, computers, and/or tablets, please submit a request in AiM and indicate in the Notes Section that you require secure destruction. A PTA number is required for this type of service. Anyone who is not familiar with submitting an AiM request can access the AiM Customer Portal User Guide here:
If you are unsure whether or not a particular item falls under an e-waste category, please email or call the Safety Office at ext. 6727.