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Red Cross Blood Drive

May 02, 2012
Parking is available in the California Boulevard underground parking structure.

Making an appointment is easy. Go to and enter your email address and date of birth. If you have used the online appointment system before, your information will display for your approval. If you have not used our online system before, you can fill out the form with some basic information that the blood bank will need. Then click the "Continue and View Blood Drives" button. You will see our blood drive. If you went to the site without using the link and don't see our drive enter "caltech" where it asks for the sponsor code. Click the circle to the left of the day you would like your appointment. On the next page, pick a time. Then you will receive an email confirming your appointment.

For more information, contact Christine Boyle at 395-1745 or To donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh 110 lbs. and be in good health.