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November 28, 2012

Crucial relationships at work become strained when time is not respected, projects run over, email and voicemail is not managed, meetings have no agenda or don't run on schedule and an 'open door' policy becomes a living nightmare for many who haven't learned how to say "not right now".  This seminar is based on years of study of real people in real jobs and how effective people manage their time, respect others and have learned how to use email and voicemail for what they are – tools.  Participants will practice proven techniques – how to contribute to and run effective meetings; how to get their point over concisely and how to manage interruptions without offending colleagues.  The seminar presents a new way of looking at time and how effective people use their personal energy flow to know when to focus on their most challenging projects and tasks; how to avoid procrastination personally and how to inspire others they need to deal with, not to procrastinate either!  To Register: (or contact or Ext. 3204)


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

8:30 – 12:30

Avery Library