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Caltech Young Investigator Lecture

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Spalding Laboratory 106 (Hartley Memorial Seminar Room)
Scalable Solid State Quantum Information Processing
Sara Mouradian, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Abstract: Quantum computation and communication systems leverage the advantages of quantum information to
surpass their classical counterparts in certain applications. However, while proof-of-principle experimental
demonstrations have been performed, these are limited to a handful of nodes with limited - and often im-
mutable - connectivity. Here we demonstrate a solid state quantum computation platform that promises the
scalability necessary for general-purpose quantum computing.

Pre-characterized solid state quantum nodes (nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond nanophotonic struc-
tures) are placed into a photonic integrated circuit which allows for low-loss and phase-stable collection,
routing, and detection of photons as well as on-chip state manipulation and classical control. Moreover, the
fabrication of high-quality photonic resonators in diamond allows for the increased emission and collection
rates of photons coherent with the spin state. These two advances will lead to an on-chip entanglement rate
much larger than the decoherence rate, allowing the creation and maintenance of cluster states for quantum

Speaker Bio: Sara Mouradian is a PhD candidate in the group of Prof. Dirk Englund at MIT researching scalable
architectures for quantum information processing. She earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from MIT
in 2010 and 2012 respectively. During her Master's thesis she implemented a quantum-enhanced sensing
protocol under the supervision of Prof. Je rey Shapiro and Dr. Franco Wong and spent six months at the
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light implementing a ber-based cavity for enhanced light-matter
interactions. She also leads MIT's interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering (iQuISE) student
group which holds weekly seminars from researchers in academia and industry.

This lecture is part of the Young Investigators Lecture Series sponsored by the Caltech Division of Engineering & Applied Science.


For more information, please contact Jennifer Blankenship by phone at 626-395-8124 or by email at