A Cappella Concert: Love Sucks
Beckman Auditorium
- Public Event
Caltech's a cappella groups are hosting their annual Love Sucks concert.
Come for a night of musical performance by the Caltech a cappella groups, along with a variety of collegiate a cappella groups from around the state.
Caltech Groups
- Out of Context (Caltech, co-ed)
- Caltech Pipettes (Caltech, women)
- Fluid Dynamics (Caltech, co-ed)
Guest Groups
- Vocal Percussion Radio (CSUN, co-ed)
- Resonance (UCLA, co-ed)
- Pitch, Please (UCLA, co-ed)
- Ninth Street Hooligans (Claremont Colleges, co-ed)
- The Accidentals (Occidental, women)
- Not So Sharp (UC Riverside, co-ed)
- Circle of Fifths (UC Irvine, men)
- Cadenza A Cappella (UCLA, women)
- Contextual Dynamics (co-ed)
They will be performing a variety of musical styles, all done without instrumental accompaniment, so come enjoy a showcase of vocal talent!
The concert is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
You can RSVP to the Facebook event or on Eventbrite.
For more information, please contact Jade Livingston by email at jmliving@caltech.edu or visit the Faceook event.