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Max Williams Lecture

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
11:00am to 11:00am
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Gates-Thomas 135
Study of Human Diseases at the Intersections of Engineering, Sciences and Medicine
Subra Suresh, President-Designate and Distinguished University Professor Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,

How do the physical, mechanical and rheological properties of cells influence the onset and progression of human diseases, and vice versa? How do the dimensions of small constrictions for passage of cells in the human body determine their surface to volume ratios and shapes? What new platforms do the latest experimental techniques from engineering, physics and chemistry offer for isolating rare circulating tumor cells, vesicles and exosomes for disease diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug efficacy assays? We discuss these and other related questions as well as some potential clinical applications by recourse to our recent research results at the intersections of engineering, natural sciences, and medicine. The discussion is guided through specific examples from experiments and computation in the context of infectious diseases, hereditary blood disorders, and human cancers.

For more information, please contact Maria Cervantes by phone at x4101 or by email at or visit