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Physics Colloquium

Thursday, October 8, 2020
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Online Event
Emergent hydrodynamics in a strongly interacting dipolar spin ensemble
Norman Yao, UC Berkeley,

Even in the absence of a precise microscopic description, classical hydrodynamics provides a powerful framework for characterizing the macroscopic behavior of conserved densities, such as energy. Understanding whether and how it emerges in the late-time dynamics of many-body quantum systems has remained an enduringly hard question. In this talk, I will describe on-going experiments exploring the emergence of hydrodynamics in strongly interacting dipolar spin ensembles; in particular, we observe dynamics whose long-time limit is related to, but fundamentally distinct from ordinary diffusion. This distinction arises from the complex interplay between long-range interactions, positional disorder, and on-site random fields. 

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