REEL ROCK 13: Four New Rock Climbing Films
Beckman Auditorium
- Public Event
The Reel Rock Film Tour returns to Caltech again with the Caltech Alpine Club's showing of REEL ROCK 13.
- Age of Ondra, featuring Adam Ondra
- Up to Speed, featuring Claire Buhrfeind, Reza Alipour, John Brosler, Aries Susanti Rahayu, Max Hammer, and Stanislav Kokorin
- Queen Maud Land, featuring Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, Savannah Cummins, Alex Honnold, Anna Pfaff, and Cedar Wright
- Valley of the Moon, featuring Madaleine Sorkin, Eliav Nissan, Mohammad Hussein, and Elad Omer
For details about the films, visit
Come early! Show up about 7:00 p.m. and get to know other local climbers and mountaineers before the show and meet local search and rescue teams. Win tons of free gear and courses from local sponsors such as Stronghold, Stone Adventures, Float, Urban Plates and others in our raffle!
Net proceeds from this showing directly benefit the student-run Caltech Alpine Club.
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For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email
$12 advance; $15 at the door; $5 Caltech students
Event Series
Alpine Club Film Festivals
Event Sponsors