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Institute Calendar


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Mathematical Physics Seminar

Powers of Large Random Unitary Matrices and Toeplitz Determinants
Maurice Duits, Olga Taussky and John Todd Instructor in Mathematics, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Interpreting the Variability of Oceanic Oxygen
Curtis Deutsch, assistant professor, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, UCLA,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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KNI Nanoscience Colloquium

Ultrahigh Density Magnetic Recording Technology
Mark Kryder, professor of electrical and computer engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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William Bennett Munro Memorial Seminar

Putting the Pieces Together: Modeling Integrated Cognition
David Danks, associate professor of philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University,