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Institute Calendar


Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, April 16th, 2010
11:00am 12:00pm
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High Energy Theory Seminar

Strings at the TeV Scale
Dieter Luest, chair for mathematical physics, LMU-München, and director, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics,
2:00pm 3:00pm
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Civil Engineering Seminar

Predicting Instabilities in Granular Materials: From Granular Avalanches to Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction
Jose Andrade, assistant professor of civil engineering, Northwestern University,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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GALCIT Colloquium, Thesis Defense

Effect of Surface Morphological Changes on Flow over a Sphere
Adam Norman, GALCIT, Caltech,
3:00pm 6:00pm
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Wedding Photography on Campus: Arabyan/Zakarian Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
3:00pm 5:30pm
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Wedding Photography on Campus: Atikian/Arutyunyants Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
3:00pm 6:00pm
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Wedding Photography on Campus: Minasyan/Karapetyan Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
3:30pm 5:00pm
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Dix Seismo Lab Seminar

Special Seminar on the 2010 Mw7.2 Sierra El Mayor Earthquake, Baja California
Egill Hauksson, senior research associate in geophysics, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Inorganic-Electrochemistry Seminar

Enantioselective Hydroformylation: Catalyst Synthesis, Application, and Mechanism
Clark R. Landis, professor of chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
7:00pm 9:00pm
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7:00pm 8:00pm
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Theodore von Karman Lecture

Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado, the Vosloh Forum (south of Colorado on Bonnie)
Mapping the Infrared Sky with WISE
Peter Eisenhardt, project scientist, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), JPL,