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Institute Calendar


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

All Day Ongoing
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Wedding Photography on Campus:Beckman Photo Shoot

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
Tuesday, April 7th, 2015
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Howard & Jan Oringer Seminar

Rights in the online world from the EFF viewpoint, the challenges of privacy and what Edward Snowden has showed us about the new surveillance state
Brad Templeton, Electronic Frontier Foundation ,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Mathematical Physics Seminar

On Abrikosov lattice solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation
Li Chen, Graduate Student, Mathematics, University of Toronto,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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CMI Seminar

Nonlinear Linear Systems Analysis Applied to Networked Dynamical Systems
Enrique Mallada, CMI Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Mathematics of Information, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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General Biology Seminar

Synaptic Mechanisms of Sensory Perception
Carl Petersen, Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Brain Mind Institute,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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KNI-MDL Seminar

Two talks: The Faint Intergalactic Redshifted Emission Balloon: future UV observations of the circumgalactic medium AND High Performance Silicon Detectors for UV/Visible/NIR Applications
Erika T. Hamden, Postdoctoral Scholar, Physics, Caltech,
April D. Jewell, Advanced Detectors, Systems & Nanoscience, JPL,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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KNI-MDL Seminar

Two talks: The TIME-Pilot CII Intensity Mapping Experiment - Detectors of Electromagnetic Radiation Based on Superconducting Magnesium Diboride
Abigail Crites, Postdoctoral Fellow, Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech,
Boris Karasik, Principal Research Technologist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Mathematics Colloquium

Invariant random subgroups behaving like normal subgroups
Omer Tamuz, Schramm Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, MIT,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Seminar in Political Economy

The Evolution of Modern Militaries
Jon Bendor, Walter and Elise Haas Professor of Political Economics and Organizations, Stanford Graduate School of Business, School of Humanities and Sciences,