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Institute Calendar


Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday, February 8th, 2016
3:00pm 4:00pm
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PhD Thesis Seminar

Design, Synthesis, and Study of Novel Platforms for Iron-N2 Chemistry and Photoinduced, Copper-Mediated C-N Bond Formation
Sid Creutz, Graduate Student in Chemistry, Peters group, Chemistry, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Computing and Mathematical Sciences Colloquium

Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Solutions to Differential Equation Models
Dave Campbell, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, and Director, Management and System Science, Simon Fraser University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Geological and Planetary Sciences Seminar

Dry Ice on Mars
Candice Hansen, Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Geometry and Topology Seminar

Maximal representations and projective structures on iterated sphere bundles
Anna Wienhard, Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics & Physics, University of Heidelberg,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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High Energy Physics Seminar

Type Ia Supernovae and Heavy Metals From Dark Matter
Joseph Bramante, Notre Dame University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Informational Biology Seminar

3D Chromatin and Chromosome Conformations and Gene Expression Control
Peter Fraser, Nuclear Dynamics Programme, The Babraham Institute,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Noncommutative Geometry Seminar

II_1 Factors with Non-isomorphic Ultrapowers
Adrian Ioana, Professor, Mathematics, UCSD,
4:30pm 5:30pm
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Reading Seminar

Computational and descriptive complexity
Martino Lupini, Bateman Research Instructor, Mathematics, Caltech,
5:00pm 6:00pm
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Geometry and Topology Seminar

Chern--Simons theory, surface separability, representation volumes, and dominations of 3-manifolds
Shicheng Wang, Peking University,