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Institute Calendar


January 2012

Thursday, January 19th, 2012
3:00pm 4:00pm
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Resnick Institute Lecture

Nanorod Materials for Energy Device Applications
Dan Dapkus, William M. Keck Professor of Engineering, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, USC,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Physics Research Conference

Quantum Networks of Trapped Atomic Ions
Chris Monroe, Bice Zorn Professor of Physics, University of Maryland,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Rigorous Systems Research Group (RSRG) Seminar

Skewness-Variance Approximations for Dynamic Rate, Multi-Server Queues with Abandonment
William Massey, Edwin S. Wilsey Professor, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Princeton University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ruth and Edward Hughes Lecture

Noncoding RNAs: with a Viral Twist
Joan Steitz, HHMI Investigator and professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry, Yale University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Seminar

Developing Shared Knowledge
Hongyi Li, Postdoctoral Associate, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
7:00pm 8:00pm
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Theodore von Karman Lecture

JPL, von Karman Auditorium
The Art of Image Processing
Dr. Robert Hurt, Visualization Scientist, Spitzer Science Center, Caltech,
8:00pm 11:00pm
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Friday, January 20th, 2012
11:00am 12:00pm
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High Energy Theory Seminar

Topic to be Announced
Hiroyuki Fuji, Nagoya University,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Social Sciences Brown Bag Seminar

Vignettes - A Computer Scientist Exploring the Interface With The Social Sciences
Katrina Ligett, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Economics, Caltech,
2:00pm 3:00pm
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Condensed Matter Physics Seminar

Assessing the impact of disorder on the ν=5/2 fractional quantum Hall effect
Michael J. Manfra, Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University,
2:00pm 3:00pm
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Thesis Seminar

Chemical-Scale Investigations of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
Nyssa Puskar, Graduate Student in Chemistry, Dougherty group, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Caltech,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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GALCIT Colloquium

Recent Experience Applying Advanced Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification to Spacecraft Integrated Modeling
Lee Peterson, Dr. , JPL,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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Women Mentoring Women Seminar

Beyond Bias and Barriers: Current Prospects for Women in Science
Joan Steitz, Sterling Professor, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Inorganic-Organometallics Seminar

Synthesis of Heterometallic Trimanganese Mn3MOx Complexes Supported by a Hexapyridyl 1,3,5-Triarylbenzene Ligand
Emily Tsui, Graduate Student, Chemistry, Caltech,
7:00pm 9:00pm
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7:00pm 8:00pm
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Theodore von Karman Lecture

Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado, the Vosloh Forum (south of Colorado on Bonnie)
The Art of Image Processing
Dr. Robert Hurt, Visualization Scientist, Spitzer Science Center, Caltech,
Saturday, January 21st, 2012
3:00pm 5:00pm
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Wedding Photography on Campus: Zeynalyan Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
3:30pm 5:30pm
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Wedding Photography on Campus: Sarhadian Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
4:30pm 6:30pm
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Engagement Photography on Campus: Perry Wedding Party

Sites designated as approved for commercial still photography
Monday, January 23rd, 2012
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Astronomy Tea Talk

Probing reionization and large-scale structure with the South Pole Telescope
Christian Reichardt, Berkeley,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Condensed Matter Physics Seminar

Dynamics of mobile impurities in 1D condensates
Alex Kamenev, Professor , Department of Physics, University of Minnesota,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Geological and Planetary Sciences Seminar

Chemical Heterogeneity in the Earth's Deep Mantle
To be Determined,
Thomas S. Duffy, Professor of Geosciences. Associate Chair, Department of Geosciences., Princeton University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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High Energy Physics Seminar

Constraints on dark matter models from a Fermi-LAT search for cosmic-ray electrons from the Sun
Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins, Caltech,
4:15pm 5:15pm
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Applied Mathematics Colloquium

Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing low-rank matrix decompositions
Joel Tropp, Assistant Professor, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Caltech,
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
10:00am 11:00am
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Thesis Seminar

High-Throughput Strategies for the Scalable Generation of RNA Component Functions
Joe Chih Yao Liang, graduate student, chemical engineering, california institute of technology,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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IST Lunch Bunch

Parallel Thinking
Gerard Holzmann, Chief Scientist, Laboratory for Reliable Software, JPL/NASA,
3:30pm 5:00pm
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Carnegie Observatories Colloquium

Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara St., William T. Golden Auditorium
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Chemical Physics Seminar

Dynamics of Liquids and Interfaces Studied with Ultrafast 2D IR Vibrational Echo Spectroscopy
Michael D. Fayer, David Mulvane Ehrsam and Edward Curtis Franklin Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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General Biology Seminar

"Recent Advances in Redox Regulation by Thioredoxin and Glutaredoxin Systems"
Arne Holmgren, Senior Professor , Biochemistry, Karolinska Institute,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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High Energy Physics Seminar

Neutrino Physics from MiniBooNE
Gerry Garvey, Los Alamos,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Kliegel Lectures in Planetary Sciences

Greg Laughlin, Professor, Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz,
7:30pm 9:00pm
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Wednesday, January 25th, 2012
12:00pm 1:00pm
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IPAC Astronomy Lunch Seminar

Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres
Mark Swain, JPL,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Mathematical Physics Seminar

A New Look at Some Old Problems
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Astronomy Colloquium

Galaxies Viewed as Collections of Individual Stars
Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Beckman Lecture

Chemical Design of Anti-Cancer Compounds for Maximal Therapeutic Index
Kevan Shokat, Professor of Chemistry, Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Biological productivity in the Southern Ocean, and variability in the atmospheric CO2 concentration over long timescales
Michael Bender, Professor of Geosciences, Earth History and Geochemistry, Princeton University,
Thursday, January 26th, 2012